Various Technical documents on Sybase, MSSQL, Unix and various other subject areas.
- Sybase Patch Rollback
- Locked Logins Query
- Migrate Syslogins etc from 15.7 to 16
- Restoring the Master Database
- Sybase Load / Restore – Autofit
- Sybase Cumulative Dump / Backup
- Database Replication MSA with dump and load – Easy setup
- Sybase – Assign Read to all objects in database
- Improve RepServer performance
- Sybase ASE upgrade process
- Upgrading Rep server to REP15.0.2
- Installing Heterogeneous Replication
- How to add/update a table for replication
- Installing RepServer 15
- Installing a Sybase ASE15 Server
- How to drop a database when drop database fails
- How to move the master database to a new device
- How to perform a load froma remote backup server
- How to drop a corrupt table
- Database status values in sysdatabases
- Using set showplan
- Structure of databases as regards loading
- A guide to Replication server in plain English
- DR for a Replication Server
- How much Procedure cache
- Common Repserver commands
- Duplicate row removal from a table
- Setting up a Historical server recording
- Installing Sybase Auditing
- Remote table creation
- Correcting identity row gaps
- Installing dbccdb
- Sybase DR – What to do if all devices deleted
- Sybase IQ Guide
- DBCC faults – Corrective actions
- Tempdb stress test
- Sybase Upgrade to ASE 12.5.3
- Sybase & MSSQL Interview Questions
- In-Memory OLTP Guide
- Re Sync SQL Server Logins with Users
- Extract User Info in Database
- Rollback time to complete
- Find port number SQL Server
- Mirroring Tips and Tricks
- Migration Login and User steps
- Memory consumption SQL Server
- Database Roles – Find permissions granted
- Database last access time Query
- Installing certificate Keys for SQL Server
- MSSQL – Creating an Oracle Linked Server
- Setting up Log Shipping MSSQL 2008
- Performance Tuning MSSQL